The International Dyslexia Association of Central Ohio’s main mission includes promoting and disseminating research-based knowledge about effective teaching methods for all students in K-12 schools, as well as in other types of settings; increasing awareness of dyslexia and related learning difficulties; and assisting all professionals who work with persons who have dyslexia, students and persons with dyslexia, and their families, until all can read.
As a board of directors we plan and implement several events per year that are of interest to professionals in many fields, students, families and anyone with dyslexia. We disseminate a newsletter to our membership that includes updates on legislation both at the state and federal levels, school district -based research findings, as well as current news from the Ohio Department of Education. We provide training in “Experience Dyslexia”, a simulation developed by the Northern California branch of IDA. We also provide a list of qualified clinicians, tutors, and parent advocates for the Central Ohio region. Additionally, we disseminate information requested via several methods including social media. Our support of the community includes providing information to a number of resources available to families and educational professionals. Finally, we partner with related professional fields in hosting seminars for teachers, school psychologists, speech therapists, teachers, administrators, parents and persons with dyslexia.
As a branch of IDA we adhere to IDA’s mission that includes the belief “that all individuals have the right to achieve their potential, that individual learning abilities can be strengthened and that social, educational and cultural barriers to language acquisition and use must be removed.
The IDA actively promotes effective teaching approaches and related clinical educational intervention strategies for people with dyslexia. We support and encourage interdisciplinary research. As part of IDA we facilitate the exploration of the causes and early identification of dyslexia and are committed to the responsible and wide dissemination of research- based knowledge.”
We follow the purpose of IDA which is “to pursue and provide the most comprehensive range of information and services that address the full scope of dyslexia and related difficulties in learning to read and write. . . In a way that creates hope, possibility, and partnership. So that every individual has the opportunity to lead a productive and fulfilling life, and society benefits from the resource that is liberated. ”
Mike McGovern
International Dyslexia Association Central Ohio
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