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Recorded Sessions – Ohio Summit of Dyslexia 2021
Registration is required.
Registration closes April 15, 2021
Viewing of recorded sessions ends April 18, 2021
$35 IDA Members
$45 Non-Members
The Right to Read – How the Science of Reading, Teacher Preparation, and Education can bring Literacy to All
IDA Central Ohio’s Summit on Dyslexia will serve to:
Who should attend?
- Teachers, Tutors, Literacy Specialists, ESL coordinators, Chief Academic Officers + more
- Superintendents, School Board members, Principals
- Language and Special Education Professionals, Advocates, Psychologists, Pediatricians
- Parents and Community-Based Professionals
- Policy Makers, Legislators and Other Elected Officials
- Anyone Who Wants to Serve Children with Dyslexia!
List of Speakers:
Louisa Moats, Ed.D. – Author, Literacy Expert, Consultant, Licensed Psychologist
Teaching Reading IS Rocket Science: What Expert Teachers Know and Do
This session will address several important questions: What is “the science of reading?” Why is there a chasm between science and educational practice? What are some bedrock findings from research that should guide practice? What changes are needed to prepare teachers well? What does “structured literacy” look like?
Dr. Louisa Moats has been a teacher, psychologist, researcher, graduate school faculty member, and author of many influential scientific journal articles, books, and policy papers on the topics of reading, spelling, language, and teacher preparation.
Dr. Moats is most well known for her research and writing about the need for improvements in teacher education. Her more recent publications have focused on helping teachers understand the language basis for reading and writing. They include LETRS Professional Development (Voyager Sopris), LANGUAGE! Live blended literacy intervention (Voyager Sopris), and Speech to Print: Language Essentials for Teachers (Brookes Publishing), as well as a series of articles and books for the International Dyslexia Association.

Live Panel Moderator
Our presenters will come together in a live panel to answer your questions and engage in a lively discussion of the issues facing literacy educators, policy makers, and researchers as we strive to bring access to literacy to all students
Dr. Steven Dykstra is a psychologist, advocate, and troublemaker in the reading world with over 25 years experience. He has worked in an urban setting with the most challenging and difficult mental health cases involving children. His passion for reading comes from the recognition that the thousands of children he has served often pay the highest price for our failures and mistakes. Dr. Dykstra is part of the Advisory Group for the
International Foundation for Effective Reading Instruction.
Mark Seidenberg, Ph.D. – Mark Seidenberg is Vilas Research Professor and Donald O. Hebb Professor in the
Department of Psychology at the University of Wisconsin.
Can “The Science of Reading” Improve Literacy Outcomes?
It could, but creating a bridge between basic research and educational practice is challenging. I’ll talk about some of the difficulties involved and how they might be overcome. The challenges include the fact that the “science of reading” says a lot about how reading works, but less about how to incorporate these findings in effective practices; the reduction of the “science of reading” to a few classic findings that were important in their time but are now out of date; the impact of popular curricular materials that ignore relevant research or incorporate it in a superficial way. Educators also find it difficult to approach what seems like a large, unwieldy body of findings from “reading science.” I’ll address these issues, emphasizing a small number of basic findings that of lasting value that provide a foundation for thinking about how to improve teacher preparation, in-service support, curricula and software, and educational policies.
Mark Seidenber is a cognitive scientist/neuroscientist/psycholinguist who has studied language, reading and dyslexia. His reading research addresses the nature of skilled reading, how children learn to read, dyslexia, and the brain bases of reading, using the tools of modern cognitive neuroscience: behavioral experiments, computational models, and neuroimaging. His language research addresses what people know when they know a language, how this knowledge is represented in the brain, and how it is acquired and used.
Julie A. Washington, Ph.D. – Dr. Julie Washington is a Professor in the School of Education at the University of California – Irvine (UCI).
Dialect and Reading Achievement of African American Children Growing Up in Poverty
In this presentation Dr. Washington will discuss how using cultural or regional dialects can impact the assessment and development of reading for African American children growing up in poverty.
Dr. Julie Washington is a Professor in the School of Education at the University of California – Irvine (UCI). Dr. Washington is Principal Investigator of the Learning Disabilities Research Innovation Hub. Dr. Washington’s research is focused on the intersection of literacy development, language variation, and poverty. In particular, her work focuses on understanding the role of cultural dialect in assessment, identification of reading disabilities in school-aged African American children and on disentangling the relationship between language production and comprehension on development of reading and early language skills for children growing up in poverty.
Kelly Butler -Chief Executive Officer at Barksdale Reading Institute
Mississippi Momentum: One State’s Policy Approach to Advancing the Science of Reading that Yielded Results
The 2019 NAEP results show that Mississippi students living in poverty are outperforming their peers nationally. Black, white and Hispanic students from low-income homes in Mississippi achieved higher scores than the national average in all four NAEP subjects. This presentation will highlight Mississippi’s literacy policy pathway, including findings from the statewide studies of teacher preparation specific to early literacy instruction, Mississippi’s faculty professional growth model, and an overview of an emerging multi-state Initiative: A Path Forward – Bringing the Science of Reading to Teacher Preparation.
Ms. Butler holds a bachelor’s degree in special education from the University of Alabama and a master’s degree in administration, planning and social policy from Harvard University. Prior to joining BRI, Kelly served as a teacher in the Greenwich, Conn. public schools, and has worked extensively with a variety of non-profit organizations in social service, health care and education in the areas of program development, support and evaluation.
All speakers will come together for a live panel discussion moderated by Steve Dykstra.
Presentation of Annual IDA Central Ohio Awards