
Our Dyslexic Children Film
OUR DYSLEXIC CHILDREN tells the story of how a group of parents in Central Ohio took on
their school district to affect change for their dyslexic children. They formed a partnership with
the district and now work shoulder to shoulder to deliver the nationally recognized early literacy
program they built together. This film was made to offer a roadmap for parents to advocate on behalf of all children. For more information visit:

APM Reports – by Emily Hanford, Oct 16, 2020

The author of one of the nation’s most influential and widely used curriculum for teaching reading is beginning to change her views.

The group headed by Lucy Calkins, a leading figure in the long-running fight over how best to teach children to read, is admitting that its materials need to be changed to align with scientific research. In an internal document obtained by APM Reports, the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project at Columbia University, where Calkins has served as founding director for more than 30 years, says it has been poring over the work of reading researchers and has determined that aspects of its approach need “rebalancing.”

Calkins’ changing views could shift the way millions of children are taught to read.

There is a theory about how people read words — one that’s deeply embedded in teaching practices and curriculum materials widely used in elementary school classrooms. Although the idea has been disproved by cognitive scientists, it continues to be included in teacher preparation programs, promoted in professional development sessions, and marketed by publishers.

Cracking the Code of Dyslexia

Researchers who say one in five children they studied was dyslexic have also found there is no link at all between dyslexia and intelligence

IDA Central Ohio and other supporters testify to the Ohio Senate Education Committee Oct 14, 2019
Full video of the Oct. 15 Ohio Senate Education Committee hearing regarding SB102 (Dyslexia Screening Program for Schools) is available for viewing at:   “Click Here to watch Video” (Begins at mark 3:57 & again at 29:44).

OH School District that made changes

Hear the story of a school district that changed the lives of students & families by teaching all students how to read in the way their brain learns.  The results are fantastic

The Science of Reading (a response to the New York times


IDA Central Ohio 2018 Annual Report

We are proud to reflect on a successful year and present to you the 2018 Annual Report for IDA Central Ohio.





IDA Central Ohio presented to the Ohio State Board of Education.

We invite you to watch the video presentation which discusses how reading taught in schools does not work and provides the solution.







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