The IDA community understands all too well the burden this crisis has placed on families and teachers with its disruption of income, quarantine, and other challenges. That’s why we have established a national relief fund to help those hit the hardest by providing the following:
- Computers, laptops, or tablets (for remote learning) for those who can’t afford them,
- Educational software and other required learning tools,
- Tutorial stipends for students who need one-on-one learning assistance, and
- Family advocate stipends for those in need of special education advocacy services.
Applications for relief programs provided by our COVID-19 Relief Fund for Families and Teachers are now available. Please note: Instructions on completing the applications, as well as where to submit them are included in the PDFs. Make sure to read through the PDF fully before completing and submitting.
If you have any questions about the applications process, please contact Hannah Sturm, Membership and Field Services Manager, at hsturm@DyslexiaIDA.org
Applications are to be submitted to your local IDA branch. This information is included at the end of both applications.
Now is the time to unite and serve the many families feeling hopeless. They only want the best for their children. Let’s not turn any of them away. Won’t you please contribute $1.00 (or more) to help them? Together, we are stronger than COVID-19!
And, because we know how much you care, we’ll keep our community of stakeholders posted on our progress and impact. Thank you!
Click here for giving incentives.
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